Thursday, February 26, 2009

Diablog #1

"She's the quick one, the one with a flashing temper whom Abba treats like a firstborn son, while I'm the slow-wit second-born who just follows along." -page 3

"The next morning we woke to a scraping and coughing noise and saw the blue Honda by the curb."-page 10

While I was doing last nights reading these sentences stood out to me. The first one, made me think about what it would be like if I had a older sister and my mom favorited her. I would feel like I didn't belong in the family, as Nadira does. I feel sorry for Nadira. She feels like she doesn't belong, in her own family. I would go CRAZY! In the second one, it reminded me of how I wake up on saturday. I hear a scraping sound, made by my dog wanting to go outside and I hear some coughing and weezing outside my window. The coughing and weezing is made by this creepy old man that is always sitting on a stump across the street. I think that these quotes are awesome.