Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gasping and Squirming

"Behind me I hear hundreds of gasps. I don't move, but I can see them: girls and boys we pass in the halls every day; the mothers in their nice summer dresses and the fathers tapping the rolled up program on their knees; the little brothers and sisters squirming in their seats.
'I'm an illegal alien,' Aisha repeats, harder, faster now." (151)
As I read this I was shocked. I was so impressed with Aisha because she had finally accepted her for who she really was. I'm so happy for her. The people in the background gasping and squirming don't have to accept her, they don't have to even care about her. I'm just so proud of her and the rest of the Hossain family. :D
They have gone through so much in this book. I can't even imagine. If any of this happened to my family I don't know how I could manage. I would probably do the same as Aisha, I'd try to hide it but it wouldn't take me as long to accept myself for who I was.
When I finished this book, I took a moment to think about what happened. I thought of how it was a little boring in the beginning, awesome in the middle, and super predictable in the end. The end was super predictable, I mean through out the whole entire book you knew Aisha was going to work up the courage to say that, and you knew that she would become Valedictorian. You also knew Abba would get out of jail and they would be able to stay. In the long run, this was a good book, but it was very, very predictable.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Calm Before The Storm

"It's not about breathing. It's about making yourself clear as water, honest and calm." (147)

During this chapter, Nadira talks to Aisha about how she is giving up because she couldn't conquer anything. Aisha is giving up on everything and in the previous chapter, Nadira saves the day. In this chapter however Aisha is talking to Nadira and she isn't very nice. " ' Do you really believe that?' 'Yes.' She snorts. 'I always thought you were the brave one. But now I think you're a coward, Aisha.' "(147)
I'm so glad that Nadira stood up to Aisha yet again. Aisha is trying to put Naidra down because Aisha was supposed to be the one who saves the day. But it didn't happen that way, because Aisha gave up.
The reason I chose this quote was because I thought that it was a great couple of sentences. The whole book is about water and breathing in a way. Nadira relates everything to water, breathing, and maps. I thought that this was a great sentence because she is talking about how you should make yourself calm before the storm. (shoot now I'm doing it!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Americans don't know how to be family

"Americans don't know how to be family. It's like this country, he explains; so many long distances between them. But now I'm not so sure he's right. This guy looks pretty sad, and besides, my family doesn't seem to be soo close anymore. Taslima and Uncle, they're barely talking these days. And Ma's been gone so long, I can barely imagine her face and smel and hands. Maybe that's what living in America does to you: It spreads you into far distances until you're just little bits rolling apart. It hurts me even to have a thought like that." (126)

As I read this, I was thinking about how my family is spread apart, from the east coast to the west coast. And how they are all so intouch with each other in the east coast and how I barely even remember their names. Nadira has a great point about this. America does kind of spread you apart until your just little bits rolling apart. It is so big and there are only so many people in our families. It happens a lot when you haven't seen someone in a long time. You start to think of things like this.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Really, Really Big Trouble (+ a great point Puja made)

"When I climb into the passenger seat, he flips open the glove compartment to show his gun inside. His breath is hot and scratchy on my face. 'You don't know anything.' " (120)

As I read this part of chapter 14, it made me think of something that would happen on TV. I don't get why Tareq was being so threatening towards Nadira. Maybe it was because he could get in really, really big trouble if something goes wrong with what he is doing. But, who knows?
Why did he have a gun inside his car, I don't know. I think that Tareq was doing something really big and illegal for Nadira and her family. He might have done smaller jobs for other people in the past, like making them a fake greencard. But for Nadira's family it is different, I'm not quite sure on what he is doing for them, but all I know is that it is something that will help Abba get out of jail. I think it has to do with a social security number of a dead person. But that part confused me.
Puja had a really good observation in our class discussion and her blog today. She said, "I noticed that in the end of both chapters 13 and 14 Nadira has been running." I realized this while I was reading, but I totally forgot when I stopped. Thanks for bringing it up again Puja!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"I froze. My mind went blank. I got scared." (112)
As I read this I thought of the past years of my life. I thought of how when I get scared I freeze and my mind goes blank, just as Aisha's did. It wasn't in the same position though, I got scared because I thought that something bad would happen to someone I loved. In Aisha's case she thought they were going to throw her out of Barnard because she was an illegal immigrant.
In this chapter I felt connected to Aisha and Nadira, more so than I usually do. I felt connected to them because they were going through a lot and they were lying to the teachers. In my life, I lie to my family about some small things and some big things. But they always figure it out, sadly.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Shape Behind The Wall

"Yet I can feel Uncle and Abba, like shapes behind the walls." (89)
When I read this, it made me think of many things. Mostly the fact that when my mom's ex left, it felt like he was behind the walls. I remember the feeling, it is hard to have someone you love so much disappear/vanish from your life. Nadira is having a hard time adjusting, as did I. You can't just forget about someone you care about who has been taken away by the government or just left, you have to take your own time adjusting. I don't get why this feeling comes up when someone leaves, but it just does. It can get really irriatating, but sometimes it is the only thing you have to hold onto.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kayla's Great Post!

Kayla made some really great points about Chapter 10 in her blog today! Great job!