Monday, March 9, 2009

Bruises Show Like Dark Flowers

"It's as if Aisha is finally saying what we're both afraid to imagine: Abba crouched in a cold dark cell. Abba sitting at some table with a ceiling lamp glaring down on his face. Are they badgering him with questions? Letting him sleep and bathe and pray? Beating him with a stick until the bruises show like dark flowers?" (66)

In this paragraph, they are imagining the type of thing you see on a cop show. This does happen in real life, but when I think of that happening to someone I mostly think that they are just actors. I'm pretty sure that they are asking Abba questions about him and his reason for immigration and his expired visa. I'm sure they are letting him bathe for only a little bit, just enough so he doesn't stink. I'm sure that Abba can pray on his own time, unless it makes lots of noise. If Abba doesn't obey the rules that they have set for him than they might "beat him with a stick until the bruises show like dark flowers." (66) I hope that it doesn't come to assault, Abba seems like a good man and I don't think that he would disobey the rules. I don't think he would insult a guard, or an authority of some sort. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. good job with the visuals
    the bruise one was a little gross though.
